Monday, July 8, 2013

In case you can't make it to Wendy Wayne Day

Here are some Pay it Forward ideas that you can perform around the community. Even if you were able to make it to Wendy Wayne Day, we are encouraging everyone to do as many random acts of kindness as they can, not just today but throughout the entire year!

·         Donate time at the animal shelter
·         Donate some books to Goodwill Bookstore
·         Donate clothes and other items to Goodwill
·         Pay for the person behind you in line
·         Hold the door for someone
·         Help someone with their groceries
·         Smile
·         Give a friend a card to let them know you appreciate them
·         Pick up litter
·         Listen
·         Let someone cut you in line at the grocery store
·         Buy a drink from a kid’s lemonade stand
·         Send a care package to a military unit
·         Write a letter to a soldier
·         Give up your seat for someone
·         Compliment a stranger
·         Stand up for someone
·         When someone wants to repay you for something, ask them to pay it forward
·         Donate books to a school library
·         Start a Wendy’s Words Library. To find out how, go to:</a>
·         Babysit for free

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